The cost calculator allow you to save the data as a CSV file.

CSV files are useful formats to to get data into a database or a spreadsheet.

CSV files are text files with each field delimited by a special character.  It can be semicolon or comma or tab.

The CSV files exported by our system are semicolon.  This is because Picoliters and dots are tiny measurements and each job will number in the hundreds of thousands or millions of dots.  Lots of commas there.  Delimiting the fields by comma results in too many field breakages because of the many commas inside our counting results.

To use the files with a database, just tell the database importing tool to use semicolons.  

Excel wants to use commas by default.  

Do you know how to import CSV into Excel with semicolon as the delimiter?

If not, here is an quick way to get it to work:

Change the three character extension from .csv to .txt and then open the file with Excel.  That will automatically start the text import wizard.  e.g. Change the file name from "results.csv" to "results.txt".

When the wizard opens, check "delimited" and then click "next".

Then, check "semicolon" and click "next"

If you are importing the file on a system configured for a language other than US English, and your region uses a decimal separator other than ".", such as "," you may have to adjust the Advanced Text Import Settings as shown below.

Finally, leave "General" checked, and click "Finish".

Your CSV file should look something like this when properly opened in Excel (or another spreadsheet application).