Installer for the new version.
How old is the existing version? If the RIP version is not identical in the new and old version, an LDK key update will be required from
TeamViewer or RDC details for connecting to remote RIP PCs.
DMI/COMO IP address or name
Knowledge of whether it is safe to print.
These instructions assume that your existing installation on the Master PC is in C:\Navigator. It assumes that the RIP version in the new installer is different to the installed version and will need to be updated. Steps are included to propagate the settings of the original RIP Manager and RIP into the new installation. It takes the approach of installing the new RIP on all RIP PCs even if the RIP version is identical. That is not strictly necessary, but it is at least required that the new Utilities folder is copied to the RIP PCs, for instance so that any changes to the Multi-RIP Configuration Tool and XiRemote are picked up.
On the Master PC:
Use XiRemote to stop the RIPs and Spoolers on all PCs.
Exit RIP Manager Server and Client.
Exit XiRemote Master and XiRemote Servant.
Important: on the Master PC, rename the existing C:\Navigator folder to BACKUP_Navigator (or similar name). This will ensure that it does not get removed by the installer.
On each RIP PC other than the Master PC:
Quit XiRemote Servant
Run the new installer and allow it to uninstall the existing system.
Run the new installer and install the new version, RIP Only, and selecting the Remote RIP option when asked.
Use the Multi-RIP Configuration Tool to select the new RIP instance 0; duplicate the required number of copies of the RIP, each of which should be hidden, and clear Instance 0.
Start the new XiRemote Servant.
On the Master PC:
Run the new installer and allow it to uninstall the existing system.
The C:\Navigator folder will remain, containing a small number of items which were not uninstalled.
Run the new installer; install RIP and RIP Manager into the existing C:\Navigator folder.
This will install a new instance 0 RIP, including a new NxM plugin and Spooler.
Copy the existing RIP Manager databases from the BACKUP_Navigator\Navigator folder to the new installation.
These will be:
and the backup XML files for the above.
If the existing NxM plugin was enabled by a ‘keys’ file rather than LDK, you will need to copy SW\ai\keys from the old master RIP to the new master RIP.
Use the Multi-RIP configuration tool to duplicate that instance to instances 1-N for use by the system. Set all but instance 1 to hidden. Then clear RIP instance 0.
Start and quit RIP Instance 1. (This is necessary for the RIP migration utility to be usable.)
Use the RIP migration utility in the new RIP instance 1 to copy Page Setups and other configuration from the instance 1 RIP under BACKUP_Navigator, to your new Instance 1 RIP (the Master RIP). When asked, choose to merge in the migrated SW folder.
This path to this utility is for instance C:\Navigator\Navigator 11.0r7_1\migrate\SW_Migrate
Check that a DuraLink device is present, configured for the correct COMO address and running in Navigator Server.
Check that the Spooler is configured with the correct COMO address and is running.
Configure ODC.ini to indicate the correct share paths for the RIP PCs, the correct DMI address, and the correct value of CalibrationPHMWidthMicrons.
Start XiRemote Master and XiRemote Servant.
Configure the names of the RIP PCs in the top pane of XiRemote Master.
Check that you can start and stop all RIPs consistently using XiRemote Servant.
Use XiRemote to copy the RIP configuration from the Master RIP to the other RIPs on the Master PC, and to the Remote RIPs.
Use XiRemote to start all RIPs and Spoolers.
Start Navigator Server and Client; check that the DuraLink device becomes enabled in the Press Output workflow, then do a test print.