If you have any concerns about the data we keep on the cost calculator site we will explain how it works in this document.

Your uploaded PDF

When a PDF is uploaded to the cost calculator it goes into a queue.  This queue has multiple processing threads and the PDF is read into memory. It is processed with the same screening and color management you use to print the job on your printer.  We count the pixels in the raster data and discard the PDF.  We discard the raster data immediately after counting.  We use the pixel count for the rest of the processing.  

The cost data

When we obtain a report we offer it in CSV and PDF format.  When you choose which format to receive, we create that file at that time.  After you download your cost report, we delete the report and the pixel count data.  

We retain nothing.

It helps with storage costs so we are motivated for that reason as well by privacy concerns.

What about system backups?

Our hosting provider does regular backups of the application data, including account information.  No backups are taken of the input data.  In the unfortunate event of a system failure during a cost calculation, you would have to start over with that job. 

No job data is retained.


Users cannot see data in other users accounts.  Administrators can only potentially see your configuration data.  As we do not retain job data, Administrators cannot access it.