This is a page feature that allows "stayaways" for RichBlacks where the black is anything other than 100% K

This is configurable and if you open it in Notepad, you can edit it. The current text is as follows:


% Setting black density limit for trapping 124169
<</BlackColorLimit .845 >>
 /Trapping /ProcSet findresource /settrapparams get exec


The part you wish to edit is the "BlackColorLimit" value of .845. This is the equivalent of 84.5%. You can set this to anything you wish, but I would not go any lower than this or you risk having dark grays do undesired pushback trapping.


To use this Page Feature, unzip the file and place the PS file in \Navigator 12.0r1\SW\Pagefeatures


When you restart your rip after the Page Feature is in the folder, it can then be selected in your Page Setups.


Depending on your needs you may wish to make new Page Setups for this purpose - that is up to you.