Navigator usually requires that the account running the application have administrative privileges to the computer it is running on. This does not mean administrative privileges to the domain or to the network; only the computer.
Sometimes an IT department doesn't want a computer to run with local admin privileges.
So our support department studied the issue.
The only way we found that Navigator would work with a Standard User (no local admin privileges) is to disable the UAC prior to install. This must be done using an Administrator account. Once complete they will be able to install Navigator under the Standard User’s account and then launch and use Navigator under that account only. This is because Navigator Server writes files into the appdata folder under the user who installed it.
(If they go back and enable UAC later, it will require them to have an Administrator login and password to launch Navigator.)
Steps to disable the UAC.
- Open Local Security Policy
- Open the Local Policies folder in the left hand panel
- Open the Security Options Folder
- Scroll down to “User Account Control: Run all administrators in Admin Approval Mode” and edit it
- Select Disabled
- Click OK
Related topic: Setting up Navigator Server in a Domain