You can create automation workflows quickly and easily through inpO2, but automation can only be created through the Wizard settings. No settings beyond the Wizard can be utilized.
First, create your settings in the Wizard.
On the last screen, save your settings (lower left corner) with a custom name.
We suggest using a combination of #up, single/double sided, trim size, paper size, and/or any other specific setting as the name. For example: “21up_13x19_1side_business card’. Now click on Finish. Review this layout to verify it is correct.
Once correct, and you are ready to start the automation process, you will need to create the needed folders. You will need an input folder for every workflow, but you only need a single Output, Archive, and Error folder for all the workflows. It is easiest to have these reside on a network server. Name the input folders the same as the wizard setting(s) shown above.
When you have all your settings, and all of your input folders created, go to Acrobat => File => Automate inpO2.
This will open the Automation window. Verify that the Automator is Stopped. You will not be able to create or edit workflows with the Automator started.
Click on the Workflow tab, then click on the Create a New Item icon to start your first workflow.
The first thing that happens is that inpO2 will want you to select an input hot folder. Select your folder, and you will see that inpO2 will want to name this workflow the same as your input folder.
You will notice that once you hit OK, it will enter the folder as the Input in the properties window to the right. Set your Archive, and Error folders next, by clicking on the empty field, then the three dots to the far right. It is your decision to save the inpO2 job files (template file), or not. These are very handy if you need to replace a page, or make a small edit to the template.
Now select the Wizard settings from the pulldown menu for this workflow.
Now you need to select your output location/configuration. You can have one location for all of the PDF files to go, and then only need to create one configuration. Click the three dots to the right side of the output configuration, to open up the output settings. Here you can set where you want your completed imposed files to go. Create a new item, and label it something like “Automation output.” Under the Delivery option, choose In the folder specified below…, then click on the three dots to the far right of the Folder field, and choose your output location. When done, click Save and Use Configuration to return to the workflow properties.
When done with the workflows, click on Start to enable all of the workflows. InpO2 automation will continue running in the background until you stop the workflows.
Click back on the Monitoring tab to view the process of jobs through the Automator. This window can be minimized, running in the background. Remember that if you quit out of Acrobat, the inpO2 Automator will be closed as well.