In some environments, it is necessary to add marks in what Inp02 considers “inside the work.” One example would be an envelope manufacturer. By design, Inp02 doesn’t allow you to do this. If you try to place a mark on the sheet, it is invisible (obscured by the page as if it were “sent to back”). When it is necessary to place a mark on the sheet (in an area that will be trimmed away), we can’t use a built-in mark, such as a registration mark.


You will need a PDF image of the mark (in this example, a registration mark) and then we'll need to import it. The placement and usage should be set to “Use image size” so it does not snap to a gutter (as seen below). 


Within Inp02, go to 'Imported Marks' and click 'Add/Edit Mark.'


Click 'New' as seen in step 1 here:



You will be prompted to name it, click 'OK.' The image will default to the Dynagram logo, so we need to locate the registration mark PDF. Step 2 is clicking the ellipsis, which will give you this dialog box:




When you click 'New' it will prompt you to locate the Registration Mark PDF.


After selecting the PDF, click 'Save and Use Image' then click 'Save' to close the Preset window.


This mark can be placed anywhere in the work and it will be visible on the top layer.