It has always been our policy to disable Automatic Updates for Acrobat DC when using Inp02, but that is not always the reality.


If ‘Automatic Updates’is enabled in the Preference setting (Edit Menu > Preferences > General), Acrobat may update to a 64-bit version.


If this happens, you will lose access to Inp02, as it is a plug-in for Acrobat and only supported in a 32-bit Acrobat environment. You will no longer have an Inp02 menu entry, nor will there be any options for Inp02 under the File menu.


If you have your original Acrobat installer, you can uninstall the 64-bit version and install the 32-bit version. You would also need to re-install Inp02.
  This installer can be found here:


If you do not have a 32-bit installer for Acrobat DC, you can contact Adobe to obtain a link. It is not accessible from their web site.


Once this is done, you will have access to existing layouts and full functionality as you had prior to the update.


We strongly suggest you make a backup of the Preferences folder for Inp02 before doing anything.

 The folder can be found here:



Please note, you may have to enable ‘Hidden Items’ in the ‘View’ menu to see the
 Program Data folder.