DuraFlex Installation Procedure



  • For installing a duplex system, please refer to the "DuraFlex Duplex" section below.
  • If there is more than one Xitron press system on the network, please refer to the FAQ entry below, "How should the Service Location Protocol (SLP) be configured?".


  • Configure the PC to synchronize the system clock using a time server, so that log file timestamps match across the system. See "Synchronize clocks on all PCs" below.
  • Python 3 current release installed (see Python 3 section below for requirements). This will already have been done on PCs supplied by Xitron.


  1. Copy the installer folder onto the target machine (don’t run it from a mapped drive: the InstallerResources XCOPY commands will receive a UNC path and will fail).

  2. Unzip the applicable installer archive (either DuraFlex or DuraFlexPOD). Run the NavigatorHHR installer. Some of the Server and Client configuration steps listed below will already have been completed in the installed files.

  3. If necessary, run the installer for the spectrophotometer.

    • The X-Rite i1Studio, i1Pro2, i1Pro3 installers are provided in the Additional items for installation folder.
    • The DuraFlex software defaults to i1Pro2. To configure for i1Studio and i1Pro3 please see the section 'Calibration using a strip reader: selecting the spectrophotometer' below.
  4. Launch Navigator Server.

    • The installer creates Start menu shortcuts, and a folder 'User Resources\Xitron Shortcuts' under the installation location you selected.
    • Ensure the Web Server (XiWebServer.exe) is running; correct the port number as required by logging into Navigator Server as Administrator and accessing 'Configure Web Server...' under 'Server Settings...'.
    • Note: if you set the Web Server to run on a port other than 81, the installed shortcuts will need to be hand-modified to use the selected port.
    • XiFlow Debug Log will run and may be minimized (it will then launch minimized next time).
  5. In the Server, log in as Administrator and make the System Device

    • Create a 'DuraFlex' system device. Enter the IP address or network name for the PESM. See 'Configuring for the press' below for how to obtain this.
    • Start the thread. The DuraFlex Spooler will start.
    • Click Apply.
    • Click Advanced.
    • In the Press Speed section, specify the speed ands resolution of the press.
    • Click Assign Heads to PCs.
    • Under Select XiService Hosts to use, place a check in the box next to the RIP PC host name.
    • Under Assign Heads to Hosts, drag each print head in the list onto the RIP PC host name. The print heads should appear in a tree structure under the RIP PC name. 

  6. In the Server, make Workflow Actions as required, if they do not already exist.

    • Add required Actions:
      • Stabilizer.
      • Preflight Action.
      • Ink Remap Action, in simple mode.
      • XiStep Action.
      • XiPosition Action.
      • Page Filter Action.
        • Only if the press is more than one unit wide, and being used in stitching mode, i.e. not transactional mode.
        • Configure it, selecting Stitching for Page Positioning.
      • Render Action.
        • Configure it, selecting the PC to use; keep Spool Folder Mode unchecked.
  7. In the Client, make base Workflow. The recommended workflow for products using DFE includes the optional steps shown below.

    • Name it 'DFE'; add the following Actions:
    • Hot Folder Action:
      • Check 'Generate Thumbnails'.
    • Stabilizer (required for processing Postscript files, for instance Swatch Sheets).
    • Preflight (optional)
      • Enables the Troubleshooting button on the Edit Job dialog in the Full Job Editor to allow the user to select Preflight Actions.
    • Ink Remap (optional)
      • For adjusting spot colors.
    • For DFE, check Pause After in whichever is the previous step.
    • XiStep (optional)
      • Required for choosing a layout. Note, setting the repeat count to 0 will make XiStep do nothing.
    • XiPosition (optional)
      • Required for choosing Media, Rotation, and Offsets. Much of the interface will be disabled without this step. Check the two checkboxes in the Workflow Editor for XiPosition or it will do nothing.
    • Page Filter Action
      • Required for printing across two print heads. Select the name of your System Device.
    • Render Action:
      • Select the System Device you created in Step 5 above (you may need to enlarge the Client window to see it).
      • In the Configuration selector, choose the RenderConfig you wish to use. If none has been pre-installed in RenderConfigs.JSON, use NCE to create one as described below.
      • Paper Profile, Screening, Rotation and Calibration may be selected, to override the settings in the RenderConfig (i.e. the Configuration selection).
  8. Open DFE in the web browser, using the DFE shortcut in the Start menu, desktop, or User Resources\Xitron Shortcuts folder.

Configuring for the press
  • Ensure that the system is configured for a real device.

    • Edit C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Xitron\Navigator\XiFlowServer.ini, set Fake=0

    • Edit C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Xitron\Duraflex\DuraflexSpooler.ini, set Fake=0

  • Obtain the PESM hostname from the label on the printhead module or by opening a command prompt, and typing ping -a

  • Enter the PESM hostname into the 'IP information' field of the DuraFlex Spooler configuration dialog. This should be the same value you entered for the System Device in Step 5 above.

  • Enter the IP addresses for the Gymeas into the %appdata%\Xitron\Duraflex\JslConfigs.xml file, hostAddress value.

  • These addresses are expected to be and These are the values set in the JslConfigs.xml created by Xitron's installer.
  • For DuraFlexPOD configuration and usage, see separate document, DuraFlexPOD_instructions.pdf.
Printing a job to the press

Use DFE to submit the job to the Server, and wait for it to complete.

Python 3

Run the Python 3.x installer and select the following options:

  • "py launcher"
  • "Associate files with Python (requires the py launcher)"
  • "Add Python to environment variables"

This will already have been done on PCs supplied by Xitron.

Using NCE to create a RenderConfig

The installer will install a basic RenderConfig with a simple color setup, for each of the supported resolutions. If others are needed, please follow these instructions.
Launch Navigator Configurations Editor (NCE) via the desktop shortcut. This will launch an index page which will detect the DuraFlex device, configure NCE for DuraFlex, and immediately redirect the browser to the RenderConfigs tab. If it finds more than one System Device, it will allow you to pick one before redirecting. There is also a suitable shortcut in User Resources\Xitron Shortcuts. In NCE:

  • On the Color Profiles tab:

    • '+' to add a Color Setup.
    • Enter a name for it.
    • Optionally add a description.
    • You can leave the settings at the defaults.
  • On the RenderConfigs tab:

    • '+' to create a RenderConfig definition.
    • Enter a name for it. For a duplex press, you may optionally create separate RenderConfigs for the two stages, in which case the name of the RenderConfig for the rear stage must be the same as the front one, with _S2 appended. Please see the FAQ below for more detail.
    • Optionally add a description.
    • Select Calibration '(none)'.
    • Select Color Profile, the one you made above.
  • On the DuraFlex tab:

    • Select a resolution.
    • Select a screen pattern.
    • Press the checkmark button to save. (The settings on the current tab will also be saved when you select a new tab.)
Configuring to use a fake device

Edit C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Xitron\Navigator\XiFlowServer.ini, set Fake=1, and specify the fake device file, for example:

[Duraflex] ; --------------------------------------------------------------- ; 0 = Attempt to use data from a real Press. ; 1 = use faked data from the specified JSON file in %AppData%\Xitron\Duraflex\Fake ; --------------------------------------------------------------- Fake=1 FakeDuraflexFile=FakeDuraflex_1_Simplex.json FakeJobID=1

There is no need to add a similar section to the DuraFlexSpooler INI file. The Server passes the fake/real details to the Spooler via the command line and the Spooler will use this. The Spooler will update its INI file with the new settings. The Spooler will read the INI file if it is launched by hand.

Configuring DuraFlex head alignment

This applies to two-wide presses only.

The DuraFlex installer will install the necessary files within the Navigator\Navigator folder.
Additional configuration will be required, as follows:

  • Install Python v2.7 and ensure it is installed at C:\Python27\python.exe. The current Python 2.7 installer for Windows is available from https://www.python.org/downloads/.
  • Modify Navigator\Workspace\memjet_print_alignment_script\duraflex_alignment print_alignment_files.bat to update the IP addresses of the DuraFlex heads on lines 4 and 6. The defaults for these are Printer 1 (left): 1r-1-1-10g-local; Printer 2 (right): lr-1-2-10g.local.
  • In the same file, on line 11, replace <<IPADDRESS>> with the 1G Ethernet address of the PES interface. This can be obtained from the DHCP Server status screen; it will be the IP Address associated with the Hostname "lr-1-1.local".
If you are upgrading an existing DuraFlex R6 or R7 system to a later version:

These instructions will help you copy the configuration settings from the old to the new system.

  • Quit the Server and Client.
  • Rename the existing (old) installation folder. For the sake of these instructions this is referred to as ‘_OLD’.
  • Rename the existing DuraFlex Spooler folder (under %appdata%\Xitron).
  • Back up C:\ProgramData\Xitron\XiShare\DuraFlex\HeadAssignment.json and C:\ProgramData\Xitron\XiShare\ThriftPorts.json.
  • Run the new installer, installing to a location which does not previously exist. The rename above means this can be the default ‘Navigator’ folder. In addition to installing the main installation folder, the installer will update %programdata%\Xitron\XiShare and %appdata%\Xitron\DuraFlex, preserving the existing DuraFlexSpooler.ini settings.
  • Copy User Resources\Utilities\DFEBackRest from the new to the _OLD system if these have different version numbers, so as to be using the latest release.
  • Important: ensure that you are using a Backup.ini file which is set to ignore the Templates folder, otherwise RenderConfig templates will be backed up and restored into your new installation, potentially overwriting newer version(s). As follows:
[Backup] ignoreList = Templates
  • Use BackRest to copy the configuration from the old to the new system:
    • In _OLD, run Backup.py to create a zip with the _OLD settings. When prompted for where to put the zip, navigate to the DFEBackRest folder of the system you just installed, for convenience.
    • In the new system, run the Restore.py and select the zip you just created.
  • Manually copy any configuration files which were not transferred:
    • BackRest will transfer the entire Navigator\Config\RenderConfig folder. There are other configuration files under Navigator\Config which are not transferred as they are unlikely to have been changed. These will need to be transferred manually, or just configured again in the new system.
    • If the '_OLD' installation folder you backed up in the second step above contains Jobs, Workflows or Achives folders, copy these to the new installation.
    • If the settings of any of the User Resources\Utilities items have been adjusted, these will need to be set up in the new installation.
    • BackRest will back up and restore the RIP's Renderers\NR_1\SW\Config\CalibrationPress and Profiles folders. However this may not be adviseable if the file formats changed between RIP versions.
  • Restore the Spooler .ini file from the folder that you backed up in the third step above.
  • Restore the HeadAssignment.json and ThriftPorts.json you backed up in the fourth step above. Alternatively, for head assignments, use the Head Assignment Tool to assign the heads, as in Section 7 above.
  • Start the new Server and Client, and in the workflow editor, ‘Refresh Configs’.
  • If it doesn't already exist in the workflow that was restored, edit the workflow and add the Page Filter Action for stitching into your workflow before the Render Action.
Synchronize clocks on all PCs

Setting Windows to use a Time Server will allow log timestamps to match across the system.

  1. Open Control Panel.
  2. Click on Clock, Language, and Region.
  3. Click on Date and Time.
  4. Click on the Internet Time tab.
  5. Click the Change settings button.
  6. Check that the Synchronize with an internet time server option is selected.
  7. Use the drop-down menu to select a different server.
  8. Click the Update now button to synchronize the time with the new server.
  9. Click the Update now button to resynchronize.
  10. Click OK, Apply, OK.

There is an article here with more detail: https://www.windowscentral.com/how-manage-time-servers-windows-10.

DuraFlex-specific settings

Edit C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Xitron\XiflowServer.ini to change the following settings from their defaults if required.

CanStartJobMinPageCount[DuraFlex]10 pagesThis is the page count trigger for allowing a print cycle to start. It works in conjunction with the CanStartJobPageCountTimerSecs INI setting. If the trigger fires, the software can start printing as there are sufficient pages queued on the press to minimize breaks when chaining large numbers of small (single page) jobs.
CanStartJobPageCountTimerSecs[DuraFlex]10 secondsThis is the page count timer trigger for allowing a print cycle to start. It works in conjuction with the CanStartJobPageCount INI setting. If the timer expires, it means that the batch of jobs being held is complete and printing can start.
WaitForJobQueueIdleSecs[DuraFlex]2 secondsWhen a JOB_QUEUED event arrives, the job status may be ASSEMBLING, but in order to start the job printing we need the status to be IDLE or CHAINED, so we wait a short amount of time for the job status to change.
Fake[DuraFlex]0 = disabledEnable Fake mode to read press definition from JSON file.
FakeDuraFlexFile[DuraFlex]FakeDuraflex_1_Simplex.jsonName of JSON file containing press definition for Fake mode.
FakeJobID[DuraFlex]1When running in Fake mode, we cannot get a JSID from the press, so we fake one; this is where we store the value between sessions. See also note [1] below.
AutoPrintOnQueue[DuraFlex]1 = enabledIf enabled, the software will initiate a print cycle if the press is at PRIMED_IDLE and the first job in the job queue is IDLE. Set this value to 0 to disable.
ManualPrintMode[DuraFlex]0 = disabledIf enabled (1), it will override the behaviour of the AutoPrintOnQueue setting to prevent starting a print cycle and also finishing the print cycle when the SESSION_COMPLETE event arrives. It is used by some customers who have external software that manages the printing process, e.g. Coaso.
AutoClearEngineFault[DuraFlex]0 = disabledIf enabled (1), and a FAULT event is reported, the code will attempt to clear it by restarting the press. The FAULT message will be retained and will be reported after the press has recovered.
CapPrintheadsOnPause[DuraFlex]1 = enabledIf enabled, the code will automatically cap the printheads when the press pauses to try and protect the printheads from drying out. Set this value to 0 to disable.
MissingTOFTimeoutSeconds[DuraFlex]20 secondsUsed to control how long to wait without seeing a JOBSTATUS(PRINTING) change event before considering the job as having errored because media is not passing under the printhead.
OutOfInkTimeoutSeconds[DuraFlex]15 secondsUsed to control how long to wait, having seen an INK_OUT event, before we pause the engine to prevent a FAULT. There are two ink tanks (a large tank feeding a smaller one) and the time relates to the amount of time we can safely continue to print before the smaller tank also runs out of ink. If the timer expires, we pause the press while there is still ink left in the smaller tank. If the job completes before the timer expires, the timer will be stopped.
PausingTimeoutSeconds[DuraFlex]10 secondsHaving initiated a pause, how long we wait (default 10 seconds) for the press to reach the PAUSED state before we consider it an error.
EventPollTimeMs[DuraFlex]250 msHow frequently we poll the press for events.
StartTransportWaitMs[DuraFlex]0No longer used.
PrintDataPeriodMs[Duraflex]500Controls how frequently the press issues print buffer data usage events.
PrintBufferTriggerPercent[DuraFlex]50 percentThe minimum print data level in percent required before printing will start, assuming other criteria don't override it.
PrintUnderrunPercent[DuraFlex]15 percentIf the print data buffer level in percent falls below this level while printing if pages are still being spooled from the Spooler, trigger a pause to prevent running out of data and generating a FAULT.
TransportType[DuraFlex]DuraFlex: 0, DuraBolt: 3Determines which type of transport control is in use on the press so that we can drive it. 0 = the operator is required to perform all the transport related operations, 1 = info only, 2 = Numato USB, 3 = Modbus.
ModbusPLCType[DuraFlex]3Determines which type of Modbus transport control is in use on the press so that we can drive it. Applies only if TransportType = 3. 1 = Lemorau/Schneider PLC type, 2 = Siemens, 3 = Native DuraBolt.
TransportIP[DuraFlex]Empty stringThe IP address of the Transport hardware control software that will be used to control the transport. Set this to, for example, "".
ModbusPort[DuraFlex]502The port to use, along with the IP address INI setting, to communicate with the transport control system. Set this to for example 502 (not in quotes).
SlaveID[DuraFlex]1Set this to the unique identifier for the press hardware.
MachineReadyWaitTimeMS[DuraFlex]5000 msTime to wait for the hardware to indicate that it is ready to start the transport, milliseconds. Only applies if TransportType is set to Modbus.
NumatoUSBPort[DuraFlex]0Set this to the port being used for Numato USB communication. Only applies if TransportType is set to Numato USB.
NumatoUSBRelays[DuraFlex]0Bitfield indicating which relays control the Numato hardware. Set the four low-order bits. So for instance set to 5 (binary 101) to use relays 3 and 1. Numato USB.
DumpSerialNumbers[Settings]0 = disabledIf enabled (1), the code will log the component serial numbers when adding them to the data returned to the DFE.
ModbusResponseDelaySecs[DuraFlex]0Time to wait in seconds after sending a Modbus command to allow the reply to be received before timing out.
DisplayControlDlg[DuraFlex]0 = offSet this to 1 to enable a dialog to be displayed when the DuraFlex System Device thread starts. This will allow start and stop Modbus commands to be sent to the device. Only applies if TransportType is set to Modbus.
PrintCompletionEventEnabled[DuraFlexPOD]1 = enabledSet this to 1 to enable post-print POST request to be sent to configured URL.
EventTargetHost[DuraFlexPOD]localhostPost-print POST event target host network address.
EventTargetPort[DuraFlexPOD]8008POST event target host port number.
PrintCompletionPOSTPath[DuraFlexPOD]"printcompletion"POST event target host URL part. The POST request will be sent to a URL assembled from the above settings: http://<EventTargetHost>:<EventTargetPort>/<PrintCompletionPOSTPath>.
PipelinePageCount[DuraFlex]7Important From R8.0, the print pipeline page count must be configured in hwparamstore DuraFlex press PCs, and the same value must be in the Server .ini file. This is used to decide which page to pause at.
DontScanAlignment[DuraFlex]0 = scan enabledA flag that controls whether or not, having printed the alignment files for a multi-head system, we analyse the scanned output to calculate the alignment values.
InterstageDistanceFt[DuraFlex]0The distance in whole feet between the print units of a duplex system. It may be used to configure a delay before the heads of the second print unit are uncapped, to minimise their exposure time. An under-estimate is preferable to an over-estimate.
InterstageDelayFiddleSecs[DuraFlex]0This value in whole seconds is subtracted from the inter-unit delay calculated from InterstageDistanceFt. It may be used as a fine adjustment to reduce the delay allowed for the media to travel between the print units.

[1] The specified value will be converted from decimal to hexadecimal and '76' will be prepended to the result. So, specifying '10' will result in the next JobID being 76a. The value will be incremented with successive jobs, so the next will be 76b. If this value is not specified, a FakeJobID entry will be added to the Server .ini file, starting at 1, i.e. 761 will be used. This value will be used as the starting point for generating the JobID even if fake mode is off, i.e. if Fake=1 is not specified in the [DuraFlex] section for instance.

DuraFlex Duplex

From version R9, duplex printing is supported, using a second PC to RIP and output the rear-stage pages.


Master PC PC Running Navigator Server. Each DuraFlex installation will have one Master PC.
RIP-only PC PC running a RIP but not Navigator Server.
RIP PC Any PC running a RIP, which may include the Master PC.


  • Master PC to run Navigator Server.
  • RIP-only PC for the rear stage.
  • RIP Manager dongle or dongle upgrade code to enable RIP Manager Version 9 or later and Render Action.
  • LDK keys to enable HHR RIPs, as required, for PCs which will run RIPs. The installers will prompt for this; the field may be left blank if a license is already in place, or if you wish to enter the later, using NR_Resources\ldk\utils\ldktool.exe.
  • The two DuraBolt printers must be on the same network, and one of printer addresses will must to be changed from its default. This is required as the Master PC communicates with both printers for PES commands, events, and status.
  • All PCs in the system running Xitron software (Master and RIP-only PCs):

    • Must have consistent user names, passwords and permissions. If the user accounts do not match, there will be problems RIPping jobs or propagating settings between the PCs.
    • Must be configured to synchronize the system clock using a time server, so that log file timestamps match across the system. See "Synchronize clocks on all PCs".
    • Must have current installation of Python 3. See Python 3 section below for installation requirements. This will already have been done on PCs supplied by Xitron.
  • Important: Mid-job Servicing must be disabled on both press units, by editing hwparamstore.json on both the press PCs. Mid-job Servicing is now configured in DFE; see 'DFE Operation' below.

  • Important: The print pipeline page count must be configured in hwparamstore on both press PCs, and needs to be matched to the value in the Server .ini file. This is used to decide which page to pause at. For example, in %appdata%\xitron\XiflowServer.ini:
[Duraflex]  PipelinePageCount=7

Installation and Configuration

  1. Follow the DuraFlex installation instructions, as for a simplex system, However:

    • RIP-only PC:

      • After running the installer on the Master PC, run the NavigatorHHRRIP installer on the RIP-only PC. Be sure to have the InstallerResources folder alongside the installer executable, and on a real not mapped drive.
    • Both PCs:

      • Edit %PROGRAMDATA%\Xitron\XiShare\ThriftPorts.json.
      • Change the XiEventsHost setting to the name of the Master PC (the PC running Navigator Server).
      • Reboot the PC (or log out and in again). XiService will be started by the Windows Task Scheduler on the RIP-only PC.
  2. On the Master PC, set the Advanced configuration.

    • On the DuraFlex System Device, select Advanced.

    • In the Press Configuration pane there is a selector 'Configuration'. Set this to Duplex and specify the IP address of the rear press unit in the 'Secondary Address' field. The IP address of the front press unit is on the Manage Devices dialog, just as on a Simplex system.

    • Notice that in the 'TOF Media Offset' field there is a selector to specify the Front or Rear interface so that different offsets may be configured for the two units.
    • If you change the press configuration you will be prompted to restart the System Device.
  3. On the Master PC, use the Head Assignment Tool to configure which PC handles which print head:

    • Open the Head Assignment tool from the DuraFlex System Device Advanced Settings, selecting 'Assign Heads to PCs...'

    • Select the Master and RIP-Only PCs in the list of host names in the left pane.
    • In the right pane, assign the available print heads to their host PCs by dragging them. By convention, associate the Master PC with the front press unit.

DFE Operation

The DFE DuraFlex Status displays the ink supply levels for each ink tank. In a duplex configuration, Stage 1 is on the left and Stage 2 is on the right. 

In the Top of Form section for each press unit,

  • Select the media mode, which will be one of: NONE, FIRST_PAGE, ALL_PAGES, TRANSACTIONAL, SYSTEM_DEFAULT.
  • Use the Adjustment fields in the Top of Form section for the two press units to control the adjustment needed to the vertical offsets for the stages to achieve correct registration. These adjustments are in addition to the Offsets defined in the Manage Devices settings on the Server.
  • Enable Mid Job Servicing if needed, and set the Max Page Interval to control how many pages will be output before a mid-job service occurs.

In the DFE Job Submission Dialog, 

  • The 'Pages' section may be used to specify whether to print all pages, or just odd or even-numbered pages, as described in 'Printing a duplex job on a single press unit'.

Calibration using a strip reader: selecting the spectrophotometer

X-Rite i1Pro2 and i1Pro3 devices are supported with 18-patch targets. i1Studio devices (discontinued) are supported with 11-patch targets. The default installation is for i1Pro2 and 18 patches.

To use i1Pro3

Quit XiFlowServer and edit C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Xitron\Navigator\XiWebServer.ini and set:

[Calibration] NumberOfCalibrationPatches=18 SpectrophotometerName=i1Pro3

To use i1Studio

Quit XiFlowServer and edit C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Xitron\Navigator\XiWebServer.ini and set:

[Calibration] NumberOfCalibrationPatches=11 SpectrophotometerName=i1Studio

Copy the contents of Config\Calibration Templates\11-patch up to the Calibration Templates folder, overwriting the existing copies.
If in future you need to support the i1Pro2 or 3, copy the 18-patch files up.

Printing a duplex job on a single press unit

Duplex jobs may be printed on a single unit, in two passes, by use of the Pages selection on the DFE Job Submission dialog, reloading the same media inverted, and reversing the order of the pages as applicable.
If Stage 2 of a duplex press is being used, on the DuraFlex System Device Advanced Configuration dialog, in the Press Configuration section, select Simplex Secondary and specify the IP address of the press unit.


Q. How is the firewall configured by the installers?
A. They make the following changes to allow the Master and RIP PCs to communicate:

  1. The installer installs and runs %programdata%\Xitron\SLP\ConfigureFirewall.bat.
    This self-elevates and configures the firewall to allow XiMonitor, SLPD, SLPTool. It enables File and Printer Sharing, and Network Discovery. This .bat file may be re-run by hand if needed.
  2. The installer installs and runs Navigator\Utilities\ConfigureFirewall.bat. This self-elevates and configures the firewall to allow XiService and XiEvents and clrip. This .bat file may be re-run by hand if needed.

Q. What shares are configured?
A. The main and RIP-only installers install and run User Resources\Utilities\Fixup Shares\Fixup Shares.bat as Administrator. This shares %programdata%\Xitron\XiShare and %programdata%\Xitron\XiSpool_1, giving 'everyone' full control (language-independent). It also gives 'everyone' full control to %programdata%\Xitron\SLP. This .bat file may be re-run by hand, as Administrator, if needed.

Q. Where should I put any ICC profiles I need to be able to select in NCE?
A. Navigator\Config\RenderConfig\ICC Profiles.

Q. Can I apply different settings to Stage 1 and Stage 2 of a duplex press?
A. A RenderConfig definition from NCE, selected as the 'Configuration' in the Workflow Editor, Render Action tab will normally be applied to both stages of a duplex press.

However you may optionally create a second RenderConfig in NCE with the same base name as the selected configuration, but with _S2 appended. If the press is duplex and such an _S2 RenderConfig exists, the selected RenderConfig will be applied to the front stage, and the _S2 Render Config will be applied to Stage 2, the rear. Please note that in this case, the overrides specified in the RenderAction of the Workflow editor will be applied to both press stages.

Q. I have problems with the Server communicating with the RIP.
A. Here is a list of suggestions for Support engineers.

  • The SLPD service is used to provide PC identification. It is used by XiEvents and XiService and started automatically on user login.
  • The installer runs ''%ProgramData%\Xitron\SLP\installSLPconfig.master.bat'' to create slp.conf and slp.reg in the Windows folder. It may be re-run by hand.
  • XiEvents and XiService are used by the Navigator Server to communicate with the RIP. They are started by the Server. They can be seen in the taskbar or system tray.
  • Ensure that XiEvents.exe, XiService.exe, and clrip.exe are listed as exceptions in the firewall. This will be done automatically during installation.
  • Try restarting slpd -- in an elevated console window, net stop slpdnet start slpd.
  • In XiEvents and XiService, hover over the panel to pop up a list of connected clients. (This may fail to work correctly on a PC being viewed remotely.)
  • In %programdata%\Xitron\SLP open XiMonitor.exe. This will list all connected services. A list of connected services will be displayed, which you can left-click to see more detail. On the check that at least service:xiservice.xitron and service:xievents.xitron are listed.
  • As an alternative to using XiMonitor, in an elevated console window, slptool findsrvtypes * to list connected service names. Then slptool findsrvs <service name> to list detail of each connected service. The XiEvents server on the Master PC and the XiService server on each PC should be listed.
  • Restart the PC. We have encountered issues in the field which were not overcome by restarting individual components, but were resolved by restarting the PC.

Q. How can I back up my settings?
A. Use BackRest (in the User Resources\Utilities\DFEBackRest) to back up most user settings. A zip file will be created with these. You may unzip this and restore settings files individually, or run Restore.py to install them all. The DuraFlex R6.0 and later installers install a Backup.ini which intentionally omits backing up the Navigator\Config\RenderConfig\Templates folder with RenderConfig templates, as these may change between releases, so you may wish to back up this folder by hand.

Q. How is the press speed configured?
A. The settings for this are on the DuraFlex System Device Advanced dialog. The speed may be set individually for Y resolution 954lpi and 1600lpi. These are initially defaulted to sensible hard-coded working values and stored in the system device database. The values are prioritised thus:

  1. If the press speed in the job ticket is non-zero, that will be used; this can be set on a per-job basis via the DFE.
  2. If the value is zero, the code queries the system device for a value based on the the resolution of the job being printed.
  3. If that value is non-zero it will be used, otherwise the value retrieved from the press’s job queue entry will be used.

Q. How can I set the number of copies of the Swatch Sheet to print?
A. In the Server .ini file, set for instance

[options] SwatchSheetCopies=5

To print five copies of each swatch sheet page. This setting overrides the copy count in the job.

Q. How is the page range handled when printing duplex?
A. The requested page range will not be automatically adjusted to encompass full sheets. Normally, odd-numbered pages are fronts, and even-numbered are backs. Please be aware that if you print a range of pages starting on an even number, the document will be printed with the fronts and backs mis-matched. Jobs which are being restarted after an error will start on the next page after the last page which has already been printed, which will normally be a front.

Q. How are hydration controls handled on DuraFlex Duplex?
A. Identical settings will be provided to all active press stage interfaces. The settings will only be read from the first active press stage interface.

Q. The DuraFlex Spooler is failing to connect to the press.
A. Increase the value in this setting in %appdata%\Xitron\DuraFlex\DuraFlexSpooler.ini:

[General] ApiRetryAttempts=3

This controls the number of times the DuraFlex Spooler will attempt to determine the API version when it starts. The default is 3.

Q. How should the Service Location Protocol (SLP) be configured?
A. For a single-PC DuraFlex system on a network with no other Xitron press systems, no specific configuration is required.
If there is more than one Xitron press system on the network, or this is a multi-PC DuraFlex system, on each PC which is part of this DuraFlex installation:

  • Edit %PROGRAMDATA%\Xitron\XiShare\ThriftPorts.json.
  • Change the XiEventsHost setting to the name of the Master PC (the PC running Navigator Server). For instance:
"XiEventsHost": "Put master PC name here."
  • Reboot the PC (or log out and in again). XiService will be started by the Windows Task Scheduler on the RIP-only PC, and by the Navigator Server on the Master PC.

Q. How can I enable the media thickness control in the XiPosition step of the Workflow Editor? A. Create the following setting in the Server .ini file (located in %AppData%\Xitron\Navigator) to show the control:

[UI_Element_State] XiPositionMediaThicknessHidden=0

To hide the media thickness control, set this value to 1, which is the default.