Note: see the section 'If you are upgrading an existing R3 system, using an installer rather than an updater' at the

foot of this document, if applicable.


  • Symmetrical Press A duplex press with the same number of printbars on both stages, with the same set of colors, but not necessarily in the same order.
  • Asymmetrical Press A duplex press which is not symmetrical. For instance, a press with CMYK on one stage, K on the other.
  • Master PC PC Running Navigator Server. Each DuraLink installation will have one Master PC.
  • RIP-only PC PC running a RIP but not Navigator Server.
  • RIP PC Any PC running a RIP, which may include the Master PC.
  • Duplex Printing – Printing on both sides of a sheet of paper in one pass, commonly used in commercial printing to save paper and reduce overall print time.

  • RIP (Raster Image Processor) – A software system that converts design data into screened raster data, formatted specifically for the printer. Its main purpose is to process images and layouts into a form that the printing hardware can interpret.

  • PESM (Print Engine Supervisor Module) – The primary controller for DuraLink printheads, responsible for managing printhead operations.


  1. Hardware and Software Setup

    • Master PC: The main PC that runs the Navigator Server and RIP Manager.
    • RIP-only PCs: Additional, optional PCs used to run RIPs, if needed based on your press configuration.
    • RIP Manager Dongle: Required to enable RIP Manager Version 8 or later and Render Action.
    • LDK Keys: Required for enabling HHR RIPs on all PCs that will run RIP software. You will be prompted to enter these during installation.
  2. PC Configuration
    Ensure the following settings are consistent across all PCs running Xitron software (Master and RIP-only PCs):

    • User Account Setup: All PCs must have consistent usernames, passwords, and permissions. If mismatched, this could lead to issues with job processing or settings propagation.
    • Time Synchronization: Ensure all PCs synchronize their clocks using a time server for matching log file timestamps. (See the “Synchronize clocks on all PCs” section for details.)
    • Python Installation: Each PC must have Python 3 installed. (This will be pre-installed on PCs supplied by Xitron.)
  3. Duplex Press Considerations

    • Symmetrical Press: A press with the same number of printbars and colors on both stages (though not necessarily in the same order). The Navigator system will detect how many printbars there are.  Configure 1 PC per side.
    • Asymmetrical Press: Configure 1 PC per side. Asymmetrical presses must be mechanically configured as follows: The number of enabled printbars on Stage 2 ('Rear') must not be greater than on Stage 1 ('Front'). 


  1. Copy the Installer Folder
    Copy the entire installer folder onto the target machine. Do not run the installer from a mapped drive, as XCOPY commands will fail when trying to access UNC paths for additional installation resources.

  2. Run the Installer and Set up ThriftPorts.json

    • Master PC (PC running Navigator RIP Manager Server):
      Run the NavigatorHHR installer. This will install the Navigator Server, Navigator Client, and a RIP.
      Edit the file located at %PROGRAMDATA%\Xitron\XiShare\ThriftPorts.json.
      Change the XiEventsHost setting to the name of the Master PC.

    • RIP-only PC:
      On each RIP-only PC, run the NavigatorHHRRIP installer.
      Edit the same ThriftPorts.json file as above, ensuring the XiEventsHost setting matches the Master PC name.
      Reboot or log out and back in to start the XiService through the Windows Task Scheduler.

  3. Launch the Server on the Master PC

    • Log in as Administrator.
    • Ensure the Web Server (XiWebServer.exe) is running. Modify the port if required.

      Note: If the web server port is changed from the default (81), update shortcuts in the Desktop, Start Menu, and User Resources folders to use the new port.

    • Ensure XiFlow Debug Log is running and minimized (it will automatically launch minimized next time).

4. System Device Setup

  • Create a system device of type "DuraLink v2."
  • Enter the device name and the IP address or network name for the PESM (e.g., pes.nxm.local).
  • Start the thread to initiate the DuraLink Spooler and automatically read the press configuration.

Advanced (Optional)

If your press configuration requires more detailed adjustments, follow these steps:

  • Double Color Interleave Mode:
    For single-color presses with two printbars of the same color, you can enable this mode. Select the checkbox in the Advanced Configuration dialog if needed.

  • Screen Column Adjustments:
    Ensure that each printbar has the correct screen assigned. You can modify the screen assignment by double-clicking the entry in the Screen column and selecting a new option.

  • Duplex Presses:
    For duplex setups, verify the number of printbars on each stage. If Stage 1 (Front) has more printbars than Stage 2 (Rear), the configuration is invalid. Adjust as necessary.

5. Allocate Press Heads to RIP PCs

Use the Head Assignment Tool (HAT) to allocate press heads to RIP PCs, ensuring optimal load distribution for performance.

Refer to the picture, below for the following steps:

  • Select the checkboxes for the Master PC (running Navigator Server) and the RIP-only PCs to be used.
  • Drag each head from the press section to the RIP PC. Multiple heads can be assigned to one RIP PC.

    Note: The order in which the heads are listed under a particular PC does not affect the system.

Refer to the Picture, below for the following steps:

  • Select BENCH1 (Master PC) and BENCH3 (RIP PC).
  • Ensure the heads are balanced across RIP PCs for greatest efficiency.

6. Set up the RenderConfig:

The installer will install a basic RenderConfig with a simple color setup, for each of the supported resolutions.

If others are needed, please follow these instructions.

Launch Navigator Configurations Editor (NCE) via the desktop shortcut. This will launch an index page which will detect the DuraLink v2 device, configure NCE for DuraLink, and redirect the browser to the RenderConfigs tab even before you have seen the index page. If it sees more than one System Device, it will allow you to pick one before redirecting. There is also a suitable shortcut in

User Resources\Xitron Shortcuts . 


On the Color Profiles tab:

'+' to add a Color Setup.

Enter a name for it.

Optionally add a description.

You can leave the settings at the defaults.

On the RenderConfigs tab:

'+' to create a RenderConfig definition.

Enter a name for it. 

For a duplex press, you may optionally create separate RenderConfigs for the

two stages, in which case the name of the RenderConfig for the rear stage must be the same as

the front one, with _S2 appended. Please read here for more detail on having different RIP settings for the front and back.

Optionally add a description.

Select Calibration '(none)'.

Select Color Profile, the one you made above.

The Manual Calibration checkbox does not apply to DuraLink.

On the DuraLink tab:

Select a resolution.

Select a screen pattern.

Select CCT Name '(none)'.

Press the checkmark button to save. (The settings on the current tab will also be saved when you

select a new tab.)

7. Make the Workflow Actions

In the server, under Manage Workflow Actions, create the necessary Workflow Actions if they do not already exist. 

  • Preflight Action (optional)
  • Stabilizer Action
  • Page Filter Action (required for Stitching and Multi Stream modes)
  • Ink Remap Action (optional, simple mode)
  • XiStep Action (optional)
  • XiPosition Action (optional)
  • Render Action

8. Configure the Page Filter Action

Follow these steps to configure the Page Filter Action:

  • Go to Server SetupManage Workflow Actions
  • Edit the Page Filter Actionand configure it based on the system's requirements:
    • For stitching systems (multiple heads treated as a wide printer), select Stitching
    • For transactional systems (one page per head), select Multi Stream mode
    • If Slit and Merge document stacking is needed, omit the Page Filter Action from the workflow

If the Page Filter Action is included but not necessary, the workflow will produce an error when processing files with multiple page widths.

9. Configure the Render Action

In the Server, follow these steps to configure the Render Action:

  1. Go to Server SetupManage Workflow Actions
  2. Edit the Render Actionand configure it based on the following settings:
    • Set the PC to use to Local
    • Set # RIPs per PC (starting point: 2 or 3)
    • Set # Threads per RIP (starting point: 4)

Note: For the above settings to apply, RIP Farm Mode must be active. See the FAQ for more details.

10. Make the Workflow

  1. Start the Navigator Client and log in as User (the default password is blank).

  2. Create a new base workflow named 'One' in the Workflow Editor.

  3. Add the following Actions to the workflow:

    • Hot Folder Action:

      • Enable Pause After.
    • Stabilizer:

      • Choose Job Options: Digital Press - Transactional.dpf.
      • Select Output Type: PDF.
    • Preflight (Optional):

      • This action enables the Troubleshooting button in the Full Job Editor, allowing the user to select Preflight Actions.
    • Page Filter Action (Mandatory for stitching, optional for transactional systems):

      • Select the System Device created in Step 4.
      • For Stitching systems, choose Stitching Mode.
      • For Transactional systems, select Multi Stream mode.
    • Ink Remap (Optional):

      • Use for adjusting spot colors.
    • XiStep (Optional):

      • Required if choosing a layout. Set the repeat count to 0 if no action is needed.
    • XiPosition (Optional):

      • Required for choosing Media, Rotation, and Offsets. Ensure the checkboxes in the Workflow Editor are enabled for this action.
    • Render Action:

      • This controls the RIP operations. Select the System Device created in Step 4.
      • Choose the appropriate RenderConfig from Step 6 for duplex presses.
      • Override Paper Profile, Screening, and Calibration if needed. 

11. Configure the Spooler

This step is only necessary on the Master PC. Any changes to the DuraLink Spooler configuration will automatically synchronize across all PCs in the system.

  1. Enter the IP address or network name for the PESM in the DuraLink Spooler configuration dialog.
  2. In the Output Targets pane, select Press.
  3. In the Separator Pages section, configure whether blank pages should be produced between jobs, specify the number of pages, and decide whether to suppress them for canceled jobs.
  4. If needed, enable Add page/copy info tags to add custom page tags to display information on the press control software.

12. System Check

  1. Stop and restart the System Device thread. All spoolers should quit and relaunch.

    • Change a setting (e.g., output to None/Press/ABT) in one spooler, and it should reflect immediately across all spoolers.
  2. If the spoolers fail to synchronize or reflect changes, check for inter-PC communication issues in the FAQ section under "Problems with inter-PC communications."

  3. Print a test job:

    • Use the Navigator Client to submit a job to the Server using the 'One' workflow. Monitor it to ensure it completes successfully.

Additional Configuration

Python 3 Installation

Ensure that Python 3 is installed and configured on all PCs running Xitron software:

  1. Run the Python 3.xinstaller, selecting the following options:
    • "py launcher"
    • "Associate files with Python (requires the py launcher)"
    • "Add Python to environment variables"

This step may already be completed for PCs supplied by Xitron.

Synchronize Clocks on All PCs

To ensure timestamps are synchronized across log files:

  1. Open Control Panel.
  2. Navigate to Clock, Language, and RegionDate and Time.
  3. Go to the Internet Time tab.
  4. Click Change settings.
  5. Ensure Synchronize with an Internet time server is selected.
  6. Choose a server from the drop-down menu.
  7. Click Update now.
  8. Click OK to save changes.


ODC Calibration and Configuration

To allow Optical Density Calibration (ODC):

  1. Edit the file C:\NavigatorDuraLinkTest\User Resources\Utilities\ODC tools\ODC.ini:
    • Under [XiSharePaths], specify the path to the XiShare folder for each RIP PC.
    • Under [DMI], set the url to the IP address of the DMI (e.g., url= The default value is pes.nxm.local, so this may not need changing.
    • In [Workflow], specify your workflow name to avoid prompts during calibration.

Postflight Configuration

To configure Postflight for system reports and job details:

  1. Install the DDC (DuraLink Deployment Console) using MemjetDlsDeploymentConsole_<version>.msi.
  2. Edit C:\NavigatorDuraLinkTest\User Resources\Utilities\Postflight\Postflight.ini:
    • Set DDChostIP to the IP address of the PESM.
  3. Run Postflight from User Resources\Utilities\Postflight to generate reports. These reports will include configuration details and DuraLink software revisions.

Calibration for Duplex Presses

When printing calibration charts for duplex systems:

  • Use or from Navigator\Config\Calibration Templates.
  • For simplex grayscale presses, edit as follows (around line 25):
    • /PagesToPrint 1 def
    • /DuplexPress false def

Throttling DuraLink Spooler Output

To balance printhead output queues:

Edit %appdata%\Xitron\DuraLinkSpooler\DuraLinkSpooler.ini and add the following




  • ThrottlePageMargin: Limits pages buffered by each printhead module (default: 5) A setting of 5 means no channel can get more than five pages ahead of any other. It may be worth

    increasing this to 10 or 20 to see if the overall transfer speed picks up.

  • ThreadPriority: Controls thread priority for output (range: -2 to 2, default: 0).

Configuring to Use a Fake Device (For Testing Without a Press)

  • Master PC Configuration:

    • On the Master PC, edit %appdata%\Xitron\Navigator\XiFlowServer.ini.
    • Set Fake=1 to enable the use of a fake device.

    • Specify the fake device file. These files can be found at %appdata%\Xitron\FakeNxM.
      Example configuration:



FakeDuraLinkFile=FakeNxM_2x4_Simplex - SD.xml


  • Other PCs in the System:

    • On each PC in the system, add an identical section to %appdata%\Xitron\DuraLinkSpooler\DuraLinkSpooler.ini.
  • Spooler Settings:

    • In the Output Targets pane of the Spooler on the Master PC, select Press if simulating Gymea. Otherwise, select None or ABT.
    • If ABT is selected, ABT format output files will be created in %ProgramData%\Xitron\XiShare\DuraLinkOutput.

Upgrading from r3 to r3.1

These instructions will help you copy the configuration settings from the old to the new system.

Quit the Server and Client.

Rename the existing (old) installation folder. For the sake of these instructions this is referred to as ‘_OLD’.

Run the new installer, installing to a location which does not previously exist. The rename above means this can be the default ‘NavigatorDuraLink’ folder. In addition to installing the main installation folder, the installer will update %programdata%\Xitron\XiShare and %appdata%\Xitron\DuraLinkSpooler , preserving the existing Spooler settings.

Copy User Resources\Utilities\DFEBackRest from the new to the _OLD system if these have

different version numbers, so as to be using the latest release.

Important: ensure that you are using a Backup.ini file which is set to ignore the Templates folder, otherwise

RenderConfig templates will be backed up and restored into your new installation, potentially overwriting newer version(s). As follows:


ignoreList = Templates

Use BackRest to copy the configuration from the old to the new system:

In _OLD, run to create a zip with the _OLD settings. When prompted for where to put the zip, navigate to the DFEBackRest folder of the system you just installed, for convenience.

In the new system, run the and select the zip you just created.

Manually copy any configuration files which were not transferred:

BackRest will transfer the entire Navigator\Config\RenderConfig folder. There are other

configuration files under Navigator\Config which are not transferred as they are unlikely to have

been changed. These will need to be transferred manually, or just configured again in the new system.

If the '_OLD' installation folder you backed up in the second step above contains Jobs, Workflows or

Achives folders, copy these to the new installation.

If the settings of any of the User Resources\Utilities items have been adjusted, these will

need to be set up in the new installation.

BackRest will back up and restore the RIP's Renderers\NR_1\SW\Config\Calibration ,

Press and Profiles folders. However this may not be adviseable if the file formats changed between RIP versions.

Copy these by hand from the Master PC to any RIP-only PCs to synchronise your installed SetGold

profiles and calibration sets. This step is expected to be automated in a later DuraLink release.

Start the new Server and Client, and in the workflow editor, ‘Refresh Configs’.

Frequently Asked Questions