Resolution, calibration, and other settings.

When you submit a job to the DFE via dragging and dropping onto the PLUS symbol, or by clicking the PLUS symbol

Or by copying a PDF to the watched network folder

You are brought to the Job Editor: 

If you want to run this job at 600 DPI, you're in luck!

There are some other choices too.  But you might want to make your own.  This dropdown menu can have things added to it by the Navigator Configurations Editor:

Head to the NCE (Navigator Configuration Editor).  There is a shortcut on your desktop.  

There are a handful of Setups that ship with the product.   

If you want to add one, click

 If you want to make a new one that is based on an existing one so you can just make one or two edits, click

If you want to delete one, click

After you create a Render Config, go to the TIFF tab and make sure things match up to what you want.

Make sure the Resolutions match what your Render Config name implies.  Choose your screening and your bit depth.  If you aren't sure what to do with anti-aliasing and byte ordering, leave them be.  Compression should be at LZW unless your printer controller specifically requires something else.

How to get your TIFFs named properly is the subject of the next section.  If you want to just get to work then use what I have in the picture above.  It's a pretty good choice.  %b_%04p_%s.tif

TIFF Naming

The TIFF Naming feature allows for dynamic and configurable filename generation based on job-specific and content-specific parameters. The naming convention utilizes a combination of literal characters and formatting tokens to build unique filenames for each output file. These tokens are defined as follows:

Format Tokens

The following tokens can be used within the filename format to dynamically insert job-related and content-specific data:

  • %b - Basename of the input file (excludes extension).
  • %f - Full Input Filename, including extension.
  • %j - Job Name. (from PS or PDF job name or job title)
  • %J - Job Name or Input Filename, defaults to the input filename if the job name is empty.
  • %n - Separation Number.
  • %p - Page Number.
  • %s - Separation Name.
  • %0wy - Zero-padded Numeric Format of width w applied to token y (valid for numeric tokens like %n, %N, %p)
  • %<xy - Remove Characters Before First Instance of x, in expanded format y.
  • %<<xy - Remove Characters Before Last Instance of x, in expanded format y.


  • A good standard default: %b_%04p_%s.tif

    • Input job name: MyPrintJob

    • Input filename: MyPrintJob.pdf

    • Output: MyPrintJob_0001_Black.tif

  • An alternate: %f_Pg%04p_%s.tif 

    • Input job name: MyBigFloweryPrint

    • Input filename: MyPrintJob.pdf

    • Output: MyPrintJob.pdf_Pg0001_Black.tif

  • Filename Format: Job-%j_Page-%02p_Sep-%s.tif

    • Input job name: MyBigFloweryPrint 

    • Input filename: MyPrintJob.pdf

    • Output: Job-MyBigFloweryPrint _Page-01_Sep-Cyan.tif

  • Filename Format: %J.tif

    • Job Name: SampleJob
    • Output: SampleJob.tif

  • Filename Format: %J_pg-%04p_%s.tif

    • Output of 1st sep, page 1: MyPrintJob_pg-0001_Cyan.tif
    • Output of 4th sep, page 1050: MyPrintJob_pg-1050_Black.tif

Best Practices

  1. Avoid Ambiguity: Use zero-padded numeric formats (e.g., %04p) for consistent sorting.
  2. Contextual Information: Incorporate %j or %b, and %s to ensure filenames provide clear job and separation identification.

Appropriate use of this feature simplifies integration with automated workflows, reducing manual intervention and ensuring consistent output naming conventions for all jobs.

Examples of %0wy with Numeric Tokens

Here are examples that demonstrate how to use %0wy for zero-padded numeric formatting. This token is useful for ensuring numeric fields maintain a consistent width in filenames, enhancing readability and alphabetic sortability.

1. Page Number (%p) with Padding

Ensures the page number is zero-padded to a width of 3 digits.

  • Format: page-%04p

  • Input: Page number (%p) is 5.

  • Output: page-0005

  • Format: page-%0p4

  • Input: Page number (%p) is 123.

  • Output: page-0123

Note: the padding feature has logic such that it does not pad if it does not need to.  With a 10 page job, Page-1 will be followed by Page-10 alphabetically.  So padding adds a zero to the first 9 pages so they sort properly.  Page-01, Page-02.   If you submit a 9 page job there is no risk of a sorting problem so the zero padding does not happen.  It's safest and best to use zero padding for your standard naming format.  

2. Separation Number (%n) with Padding

Creates a zero-padded separation number.

  • Format: sep-%0n2

  • Input: Separation number (%n) is 7.

  • Output: sep-07

  • Format: sep-%0n2

  • Input: Separation number (%n) is 10.

  • Output: sep-10

3. Combination of Numeric Tokens

Combines multiple zero-padded numeric tokens.

  • Format: Job-%b_page-%0p3_sep-%0n2
  • Input: Input file name is "PremiumBossCoffee.pdf", Page number (%p) is 8, Separation number (%n) is 3.
  • Output: Job-PremiumBossCoffee_page-008_sep-03

Why Use %0wy?

  1. Enhanced Sorting: Filenames like page-003 will appear before page-013 when sorted alphabetically.
  2. Consistency: Ensures uniformity, making filenames easier to read and identify in large datasets.

Optional BMPs and how to get the TIFF names and BMP names to match up.

If you check this box you'll get a BMP generated from the TIFFs created by the RIP.

The BMPs always get their name from the filename without the extension.

So an input file called "PremiumBossCoffee.pdf" will make a BMP file called "PremiumBossCoffee.bmp"

The best TIFF naming choice to match this will start with "%b".  

%b is the same name strategy:  the filename without the extension.

So a good TIFF naming template might be


  • Input filename: MyPrintJob.pdf

  • TIFF Output

    • MyPrintJob_0001_Cyan.tif

    • MyPrintJob_0001_Magenta.tif
    • MyPrintJob_0001_Yellow.tif
    • MyPrintJob_0001_Black.tif
  • BMP Output: MyPrintJob.bmp

Previous Step: Creating a TIFF device, setting output path, BMP preview