If you want to run the RIP in headless mode (so the UI is suppressed) you can do that following the instructions in this document.
First, configure the RIP so that it runs properly. Configure page setups and configure inputs. Turn on inputs. Test that it works. Leaving the inputs on, shut the RIP down. This way, when you start it up headless, the inputs will be on and the RIP will be ready to operate.
First we'll look at what is actually happening from the perspective of the command line. Then we'll look at making it easy and automatic with a shortcut.
Command line.
Open a command prompt in Windows. Type the path to the RIP or find the RIP in Windows and drag the executable to the command prompt window so it types the path for you. Type a <space> after the path and then type "-Headless".
Hit return.
It will return you to an empty command prompt. Is your RIP now running headless?
Here's how to check: Look on the details tab of the Windows Task Manager.
Task Manager
You can shut down the RIP either by shutting down the computer or by visiting Task Manager and shutting it down there.
Navigate to the RIP executable. Right-click and choose 'make shortcut'.
Edit the shortcut in two ways.
- Add <space>-headless to the end of the path. That is, " -Headless". Just the part inside the quotes.
- Name it something sensible. e.g.
Now you can use that shortcut to start the RIP in headless mode.
If you need to change configurations fairly often you can keep another shortcut right next to this one on the desktop that does not have the -headless parameter.
If you are going to use one of these shortcuts to start the RIP up automatically, only use one of them!