K2 start up. Method 1
Are you going to run a copy of the Client application on your Server computer? Then use our Launcher application to start both applications at the same time. If you don't plan to use the K2 computer as a user workstation, then skip to the 2nd method. (More about the Launcher and what you can do with it)
K2 start up. Method 2
If you don't plan to use the Client application on the K2 server, then just use the K2 server desktop shortcut.
Either of the start up methods will include the K2 Server bringing up any components it needs, such as a RIP instance.
Starting the client
You can always start the client manually with the Client shortcut
K2 shut down.
Just click the 'close' button in the K2 Server window.
Missing shortcuts?
Make some new ones by going to C:\K2\K2.
The server lives at "C:\K2\K2\K2Server.exe"
The client lives at "C:\K2\K2\Client\K2Client.exe"
The launcher is at "C:\K2\K2\XiLaunch.exe"