Impose User Guide

Covering these topics:

  • Imposition Action
  • Workflow Configuration
  • Imposition Editor – Imposition Presets
    • Binding Section
    • Output Options
    • PDF Source and Page Adjustments
    • Imposition Preset Section
      • Using the Imposition Action in Production


Imposition Action

The Imposition Action uses imposition presets to cater to various requirements. These presets can be configured and adjusted as needed. The user can open the imposition editor and adjust the preset settings to accommodate a specific job.


Suppose an imposition preset is set up for a saddle-stitched booklet, with the press sheet size defined as 26x20. However, the paper mill only has 28x20 sheets available. In this case, the user can:

  1. Open the workflow client and select the job.
  2. Click the Edit Imposition button.
  3. Change the press sheet size to 28x20.

Once the user clicks OK, the workflow reimposes the PDF using the same preset, but now on a 28x20 press sheet. This flexibility allows each job to have a unique imposition that can be edited at any time.


Workflow Configuration

  • The Imposition Action works exclusively with PDF files.
  • Ensure the incoming PDF contains all necessary pages in the correct reading order.
  • Use a Preflight Action before imposition to automate preflight checks and ensure the PDF is print-ready.

Imposition Editor – Imposition Presets

  1. To create a new imposition preset, click the plus button in the Imposition Action tab.
  2. Enter a name for the preset, e.g., BindingType_ImpositionTemplate (e.g., SS_8pg_Offset).


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  1. The Imposition Editor will open for further configuration.

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Binding Section

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Binding Type

Selecting the binding type desired for your preset.

Options are:

  • Perfect Bound
  • Saddle Stitched
  • Cut and Stack
  • Coming and Going


Select the number of sides for the imposition.

  • Simplex for single side
  • Duplex for two sides

Bind On

Choose Left or Right bind side (only applicable for certain binding types).

When Saddle Stitched is selected, the Use Page Creep button becomes active, allowing the configuration of page creep.

Use Page Creep

This button becomes active only when Saddle Stitched is selected as the binding type. Page creep refers to the incremental shifting of pages toward or away from the spine during the binding process. This adjustment is necessary for saddle stitching to compensate for the paper thickness and ensure that the final output remains properly aligned and visually consistent.  Here are the options for page creep.

Total Creep In

Total Creep In value is the amount of movement towards the spine applied to the center two pages and their backs — the pages that require the most amount of compensation. From the center quartet of pages back towards the outside four pages of the job, the imposition engine applies an ever-decreasing amount of movement. Every quartet of pages is moved by an amount less than the previous quartet. The outside two pages and their backs are not moved (zero compensation).

Initial Creep Out

This value is the amount of creep from the spine. While Total Creep In compensation is usually sufficient, you may find that the page images get too close to the spine. This problem can be resolved by the InitialCreepOut feature. This will move all the pages of the job further out towards the outside margin (away from the spine). This movement takes place before the TotalCreepIn compensation value is applied. Normally, the movement applied by the Creep Compensation feature is horizontal—towards the inside or outside of the pages. InitialCreepOut is not a must.

Creep by Scaling

Creep by Scaling is a technique that compensates for creep by reducing the size of the pages, depending on the sheet, instead of using the traditional method of offset movement. For example, in a 20-page saddle stitch book with 1/16th of an inch creep for every quartet of pages, the center spread will have a smaller individual page size compared to the outermost pages. This helps maintain proper alignment, especially for text, graphics, or images that cross the gutter.

Output Options

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Options are:

  • Output Back Sides First
  • Output Last to First
  • Rotate Output
  • Use Marks


Output Back Sides First: When checked, the imposed PDF will have all the back sides in order first, followed by all the front sides in order.

Output Last to First: Check this option to output the PDF in reverse order.

Rotate Output: Rotates the imposed PDF by 0, 90, 180, or 270 degrees.

Use Marks
 When selected, this option displays a list of available Marks Profiles from Impostrip. Refer to the Impostrip documentation for details on marks profiles and how to create them.

Managing Marks Profiles
 Marks Profiles are provided from the Impostrip application installed on the Navigator Server. For new or updated marks profiles to appear with the correct name and function in the imposition engine, the server must refresh them.

To update Marks Profiles:

  1. Open the Navigator Server application and log in as an administrator.
  2. Navigate to Server Setup > Refresh Imposition Lists.
  3. This action will update the Marks Profiles, making the latest changes available.

PDF Source and Page Adjustments

In this area modifications can be made to the source PDF pages used for the imposition. Settings can be applied to a new imposition preset or settings can be applied to each job independently on the fly.  Click the pencil button in the PDF Source area to access these settings. When page adjustments are done, click OK. To cancel page adjustments, click the X in the top right corner to close the window.


Page Offsets: Page offsets allow the user to shift the position of PDF pages along the width and height. Positive values will shift the page to the right or up, while negative values will shift it to the left or down. Offsets can be applied globally to all pages or individually to odd and even pages.

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Page Bleeds: Page bleeds are used to extend the page content beyond the trim line, ensuring that there are no white borders in the final output due to minor misalignments during trimming. By default, the Automatic checkbox is selected, which honors any bleed settings in the source PDF. When Automatic is unchecked the bleed settings will then appear. The To Fold check box will be checked on all sides. Uncheck To fold on a side to enable the bleed value filed. Once unchecked the user can then enter the bleed override value. Check All Pages to apply bleed values to both odd and even pages.

Page Scale: Page scale allows users to resize PDF pages by adjusting width and height values, either increasing or decreasing the page size. This can be useful for adjusting content to fit specific imposition layouts or to ensure proper margins. A preview of the scaled page is provided, showing how the adjustments will look before finalizing.


Imposition Preset Section

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The imposition section is where the template, paper size, margins, and trim rules are applied to the imposition. By default, the section will be named “Section 1” The section can be renamed by clicking the pencil icon under the section column. A field will display so the user can change the name.

 Additional imposition sections can be added to an imposition preset if a job requires mixed impositions. For example, you may create a preset that has a section that’s a 4-page work and turn imposition and another that is an 8-page sheetwise imposition.

Multi Sections

To add a new section, click the plus button under the section column. A new section appears with the name Section#.

 Click the pencil to give the section a specific name.

  • If the user highlights an existing section and clicks the plus button, all the imposition preset settings will be copied to the new section. From there the user just makes the changes needed to the settings for that section.

Template Name

This dropdown allows the user to select an imposition template from the Impostrip library. The templates can be filtered by selecting a specific signature type defined in the template. The user can type the first character of the template name to jump to templates starting with the character entered.

Managing Imposition Templates

Imposition templates are populated from the Impostrip application installed on the Navigator Server. New templates and changes to existing templates must be refreshed by the server in order for the templates to show up with the correct name and be valid for the imposition engine.

To update the template list:

  1. Go to the Navigator server application and log in as an administrator.
  2. Navigate to Server Setup > Refresh Imposition Lists.
  3. The template list will now be updated.


The repeat count tells the imposition module how many signatures are needed for an imposition. The only time this field needs to be defined is when there is more than one imposition section. If the preset only has one section the repeat count can be left with a value of 1 and the imposition engine will automatically create the number of signatures needed based on the PDF source page count.

See section Mixed Templates Impositions for more information regarding the repeat count and when to use it.

Paper Size

Paper size defines the paper size that you want to place your imposition template on. Click the plus button to enter a new paper size to the library. Click the minus button to remove a paper size.

Override Template Margins

By default, the imposition template will be placed in the center of the paper size chosen. If margins need to be overridden, the user can check the Override Template Margins box and define margins for top, bottom, left and right. The margin value defines the distance between the template edge and edge of plate.

For example, if a template needs to be set back ½” from the bottom of the press sheet and centered left and right. Check the Override Template Margin box and entering a value of 0.5” for the bottom margin only the template will be positioned ½” back and centered left to right on the press paper.


Dynamic Trim will be checked on by default when creating a new imposition preset. When Dynamic Trim is active, the imposition engine will use the PDF trim box defined in the source PDF.

If the user unchecks Dynamic Trim, then a custom trim width and height can be entered. When a size is entered the PDF will be anchored to the center of the page and cropped around the pages.

Use Plate

Use Plate allows the user to define printing press plate sizes with positioning rules for the paper position on the printing plate.

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To create a new plate:

  • Click the plus button to bring up the New Plate Size dialog box.
  • Enter the plate width and height dimensions.
  • To position the press paper on the plate:
    1. Use the Center check boxes to center the plate on X or Y or both.
    2. Enter a value to X or Y for paper edge to plate edge offset.

The dimensions and offsets will display to the right of the plate for information. If you need to remove a plate, click the minus button.

Once all settings are applied to the imposition preset click the save button. The imposition preset will now be available in the preset dropdown selector in the imposition action.


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Using the Imposition Action in Production

Automated Imposition Workflows

Automated workflows are a powerful feature for handling recurring tasks efficiently. By setting up workflows with predefined imposition presets, you can streamline your production process for frequently repeated job types, such as business cards, booklets, or posters.

  1. Creating a Workflow: To create a workflow, navigate to the Workflow Editor and click on the New Workflow button. Enter a name for your workflow, such as "Business Card Workflow."
  2. Adding Imposition Presets: In the workflow, add an Imposition Action and select a predefined imposition preset, such as a business card layout on a 12x18 sheet. This ensures that any PDF dropped into the associated hot folder will be automatically imposed based on the preset settings.
  3. Using the preset workflow: Hotfolders are created for each workflow to enable automatic detection and processing of incoming files. When a file is added to the hot folder, the workflow will trigger, and the imposition process will be performed without manual intervention.

Configuring and using a custom Imposition Preset

Another option is to create a custom imposition workflow where a basic “Custom” imposition preset is selected. By doing this the user will be able to pause after the imposition step, edit the custom imposition using the imposition editor and saving the changes so that the custom settings are used for imposition. 

Custom Preset Configuration

  • Create or open a workflow in the workflow editor
  • Click the plus button and name the preset “Custom”
  • Use the following Settings for your custom imposition preset.
    1. Binding Type – Step and Repeat
    2. Sides – Duplex (Note: If the incoming PDF has 1 page the imposition engine ignores duplex setting.)
    3. Bind On – Left or Right
    4. Template Name – 1x1 (This is just a 1up template)
    5. Paper Size – Enter a large sheet size. This size should be able to accommodate the maximum 1up size.
  • Click OK to save the custom preset.
  • Apply this “Custom” preset to a workflow with a pause after the imposition action. The pause will be the point where the user can click the edit imposition button to apply custom imposition settings for a job.

Custom Saddle Stitched Example (using the custom preset)

  1. A 48 page PDF is sent to the workflow
  2. User highlights the job, and clicks edit imposition button to launch the imposition editor with the custom settings. Note that the job number is displayed at the top of the window. This indicates that the settings will only be applied to that job.
  3. User changes settings to accommodate a saddle stitched booklet that is run on an offset press as 16 page signatures and clicks the OK button.
  • Note: If there is an existing preset already in the dropdown list that fits the imposition requirements, it can be selected from the Imposition Preset dropdown and all of the settings in the preset will populate the fields automatically with the preset settings.
  1. The imposition processes automatically using the new settings applied to the custom imposition for the job.