Windows inherent Firewall filters incoming network traffic to help block unwanted network connections. Optionally, the Windows Firewall can also filter outgoing traffic to help limit the risk of malware. Although Windows Firewall default settings work well with components built into the operating system, they might prevent other applications from functioning correctly. Xitron has included this technote as a way for troubleshooting Client connection issues for both our Navigator GPS/Elite and Sierra workflow products. We are using Windows 10 Pro for our directions. Older operating systems or server editions may differ.
Step 1: Open Windows Control Panel -Double-click Windows Firewall
Step 2: Double-click Advanced Settings
Step 3: Select Inbound Rules, then click New Rule.
Step 4: Select Custom Rule, click on Next.
Step 5: Select Scope
Step 6: Select These IP Addresses and Add
Step 7: Add the IP number or IP range you wish to allow through the Windows Firewall
Step 8: Make sure that the remote computer whose IP you allowed through the Windows Firewall's set to Static IP and not Dynamic IP. A Dynamic IP number changes at some point, which then revokes your privileges through the firewall.